D-Trust sign-me

Test user

  1. Head over to https://cloud-ref.sign-me.de/signature/startopen in new window
  2. Click on the "Register" button
  3. Fill in and submit the registration forms (the phone number and email must be authentic)
  4. sign-me will send you a confirmation email. Open that email and click on the confirmation link.
  5. In sign-me dashboard, click on the "Identification" in the left hand menu.
  6. Click on "Start with costs" button in the "Other identifications - VideoIdent or eID, with costs" box.
  7. Click "Continue"
  8. Click on the "Start identification" button
  9. Go through the vide identification process
  10. Done! You now have a test account for D-Trust sign-me.

Try signing

  1. Head over to our demoopen in new window
  2. Upload a PDF document
  3. Choose "Sign PDF" under "Container type"
  4. Click "Sign now"
  5. Click "Sign"
  6. Select Germany as the country
  7. Click "sign-me" method
  8. Enter your username or email
  9. Login with your password
  10. Click "Request TAN"
  11. Enter the TAN code you received
  12. Click "Sign"
  13. Done - now you will receive a signed file to be downloaded
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