
Test user

You can issue a test user from: https://cm-stg.harica.gropen in new window

To get a test user follow this guide: https://www.harica.gr/en/Guides/eSignature/Remote%20eSignature%20requestopen in new window

Note: Test user is free of charge, but it might seem like it costs. When you are asked for payment information you can enter dummy credit card details:

  • Select "Visa" as the card type
  • Card number: 4242424242424242
  • Expiration date: 12/2025
  • Name on card: Any name
  • Card verification code: 123

Try signing

  1. Head over to our demoopen in new window
  2. Upload a PDF document
  3. Choose "Sign PDF" under "Container type"
  4. Click "Sign now"
  5. Click "Sign"
  6. Select Greece as the country
  7. Choose "Harica" method
  8. Enter username, password and OTP (from authenticator app)
  9. Click "SIGN"
  10. Done - now you will receive a signed file to be downloaded
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