A-trust (Handy-Signatur)

Test user

For authentication:

  • Username: 103011122334455
  • Password: 123456789

For signing:

  • Username: 1030193860219232
  • Password: 123456789
  • TAN: 123456

Try authentication

  1. Head over to our demoopen in new window
  2. Click "Login with Oauth 2.0"
  3. Select Austria as the country
  4. Click "A-trust" method
  5. Enter username and password and click "identify"
  6. Done - now you will see the data our API returns
  "idcode": "686771022472",
  "lastname": "Xxxöhlinger",
  "firstname": "Xxxhildegard",
  "initials": null,
  "birth_date": null,
  "country": "AT",
  "status": "OK",
  "current_login_method": "at-handy-signatur-login"

Try signing

  1. Head over to our demoopen in new window
  2. Upload a PDF document
  3. Choose "Sign PDF" under "Container type"
  4. Click "Sign now"
  5. Click "Sign"
  6. Select Austria as the country
  7. Click "A-Trust" method
  8. Enter username and password and click "identify"
  9. Click "Skip App install"
  10. Enter TAN and click "sign"
  11. Done - now you will receive a signed file to be downloaded
Last Updated: